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Has the supreme Court of India shrugged its responsibility by not taking suo moto action against A.K Ganguly (retd. J) ?

The first thing I noticed about this sexual harassment at workplace case was that every national daily and news channel made it a front page news and revealed the name of the aggrieved ( I choose not to address the lady lawyer as a victim of SHW). The name of the culprit SC judge was nowhere to be found in the preliminary reports. If the media community was afraid that revealing the name of the judge prematurely would mean contempt of court then why did they not exercise similar restraint in revealing the name of the aggrieved lady lawyer? Now, it is applaudable that the SC was prompt in constituting an inquiry committee in this particular case. Was this inquiry panel a shield for the perpetrator  by buying more time for him or by preventing a media trial? Let's not be cynical. It is also applaudable that the SC inquiry committee gave out its verdict irrespective of the fact that they found one of their own guilty. Is it right to then question the integrity of SC inquiry comm...