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Democratic - Constitutional Parens Patriae and the rebel anarchists - communists teenagers

 What is Parens Patriae ? 


 Parens Patriae is a term used for describing the basic nature of a monarch,                  state,         government, institution to be that of a parent to the governed especially to the minors or specially challenged or particularly those who cannot make their own decisions due to an infirmity (natural or man – made).


In this short article I attempt to explain,  if a constitutional democratic government is a parent then anarchists and communists are the rebel teenagers.

Therefore, the following terms will be briefly touched upon and discussed.

1.      Parens Patriae

2.     Anarchy

3.     Communism

4.     Juvenile Delinquency


I am opening the discussion on how many popular psuedo “activists" come from a disturbed childhood, broken family and hence have a deep subconscious distrust in the government policies, courts and any formal traditional structure of order and control like a school etc. However, this does not mean that their cause or attempt to raise a paradigm shift is purely fictional or unreasonable.  

There has been perhaps only little or no research and study in India on the psychology of a Communist and an Anarchist. However, the American and European Psychologists studied the same after WWII and have continued to do the same in their socio-political context.

Importance of a healthy and constant father figure in healthy child development

Many, psychologists studied the importance of a father in a child’s life as very important. Something which was ignored for the longest time especially in Family Courts and divorce cases where child custody is used as a weapon.

Children from broken families or without presence of a constant fatherly figure fall pray to drug abuse, alcoholism, depression and have high likelihood of being juvenile delinquents. These studies were particularly done by male psychologists who came from difficult childhood themselves with single mothers. Their research being that awarding custody of a child to a mother and disregarding the importance of presence of father in a child’s life after divorce leaves far reaching effects on a child’s psychology.

In 1996, 70% of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long sentences, were raised by single mothers. Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, NO.6, June, 1997.  More than single mothers, it can be said Single Parent as more gender appropriate.;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzUEdnRpZANBMDU5OV8xBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1613405374/RO=10/  ]

I am not a psychologist and neither do I intend to be. As a student of human development, I studied psychology to demystify, liberate us of any labelism. In this article, I intend to deconstruct the relationship of law with the governed and the genesis of anarchist/communism/ pseudo activists especially in the light of Greta toolkit leak. The synchornised tweets, scripted propaganda   against an underdeveloped country. In writing so, I do not wish to label any particular celebrity or sit in judgment of anybody’s personal life, traumatic childhood, mental disorders. However, there is a high likelihood that after reading the write up, people will end up with labels, prejudices and unwillingly, I have done exactly the same. It is a natural human consequence prevalent in capitalism, communism, anarchism.


As a citizen, we are duty bound to refute every foreign intellectual attack on my country’s Constitutional ideals by liberal American – Canadian women who are popstars, pornstars, lawyers, climate activist, poetess etc. most of whom did not have an iota of our constitutional structure, legislations of 2020 and the geo-political, historic, economic, scientific background to it. This is exactly the hypocrisy we all need to be vocal about.


After, their bluff was called out they played the victim card that said we will not be “Silenced”. These are exactly the placards and language used by Indian poster girl of peace.  

Most, activists/communists/anarchists will rebel or sloganeer for “azaadi” freedom against the existing political- socio structure but they will mostly not have a sustainable solution to the problem, they will only be obsessed with the problem or their hyper hypothetical apprehensions. If you disagree with them you will be labeled too. As much I am against any kind of labeling and prejudices, one cannot ignore the reality of the same. And I am probably doing the same thing by way of analysing the psychology of recent tweeters.  

Refer to the links below for understanding the pattern ( no fatherly figure in early childhood, formative years, broken family, child sexual abuse, mental health disorder). These reasons are but natural to rebel against any and every natural

Meena Harris : Born to a teen mother in the year 1984 ( details of biological father unknown) who later got married in 1992-1998.


Rihanna : Early childhood marred by arguments with parents, alcoholism, divorce.

Greta Thernburg :  Mental health disorders


Thus, from the above discussion, it can be inferred that men and women who do not have a healthy constant fatherly figure in early years do behave in rebellious, delinquent  way against any form of formal structure. 

Who is an anarchist ?

"Even though some of the anarcho-whimarchists posture as "libertarians" and claim to be for individual liberty, to the extent that their psychology tends to cause them to support ethical relativism to that same degree they generally don't support those values which are necessary for a free society to exist -- values like respect for law, private property rights of other people, meeting contract obligations, the need for police and military defense, the need for moral self-restraint, due process, constitutional government, etc.  Since there is no such thing as a constitutional anarchy, the result of any attempt to put their notions into practice would necessarily be statism -- unlimited government.  This is just as opposed to laissez faire constitutionalism and freedom for peaceful adults as any other form of unlimited political power" - Nats Revilo

What is an anarchy ?

" It is not that the anarchists are merely still rebelling against their parents or any human authority figures, but that they see reality itself as an affront to their sacred whims, which they want to be omnipotent and to trump everything else.  Thus, they not only eschew governmental laws which they dislike, but also even the moral suasion of ethical admonitions from either religion or philosophy.  No collection of "thou shall nots" applies to them"

Marian Wasilewski describes the modus operandi of the communists as those taking advantages of pre-existing fault lines by supporting the contestants in the under-developed countries. They attack the consciousness of underdeveloped countries with their own virus of communist ideology. This virus can be infected by way of force also. 


Is anarchy an offshoot of communism ?

Some psychologists believe that “there is a remarkable similarity between the psychology of the anarchist and that of the American "liberal" or socialist” – [no copyright infringement intended]. There have been psychological studies on mob behaviour in a riot, most anarchists try to justify the mob violence by prevailing social conditions and a sense of rejection and denial.

Defeatism, Deceptive hypocricy, Low-self-esteem, Pseduo-liberalism are a few adjectives used to describe the communists in India.


From the above discussion we can understand a pattern of the vulnerable being used as a weapon to create wedges between the fault lines of developing/ underdeveloped countries and the false sense of power and self- importance the communist supporters derive from their egalitarian ideals and eternal pessimism.  


Therefore, in an Indian Context it is a continuous war of ideologies of the corrupted right and the corrupted left. In a democratic constitutional republic we need a strong opposition to check the powers of an elected parliamentary government and in doing so we cannot neglect the influence of foreign powers in our institutions – Education, Media, Politics, History so on and so forth.


My sincere suggestion is to read the links attached in the blog for a deeper insight. It is best for all not to idolize a particular line of thought and at the same time not become a devotee of ideals of revolution every now and then. Revolution from what ? A Constitutionally, democratically elected Parliament or structures of communism, fascism, disctatorship ?



All information is available in the public domain, weblinks are attached.

No copyright information is intended.

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