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Showing posts from June, 2021

Road accidents

How to avoid road accidents in India How can India become a developed country 1.  Don't honk. Animal ears 10x more sensitive. 2.  Learn traffic rules. 3. police cannot be present everywhere self discipline and self check only way to avoid road accidents. 4  My suggestion to all cabinet ministers is  mandate every vehicle be fitted with rear and front camera with recording in a black block Box which cannot be tampered just (aeroplanes). When citizens know that there is evidence being recorded against  in own vehicle if  flouting the traffic rules then not only will we drive according to traffic rules,  in case there is an accident victim we will also feel emboldened to help  victims and take them to the hospital. 5. If we have such non tampered proof at every accident site then the accident cases in courts can be resolved within one month( timebound disposal). 6.  This the lawmaker should make compulsory on part of all manufacturers ...