How to avoid road accidents in India
How can India become a developed country
1. Don't honk. Animal ears 10x more sensitive.
2. Learn traffic rules.
3. police cannot be present everywhere self discipline and self check only way to avoid road accidents.
4 My suggestion to all cabinet ministers is mandate every vehicle be fitted with rear and front camera with recording in a black block Box which cannot be tampered just (aeroplanes).
When citizens know that there is evidence being recorded against in own vehicle if flouting the traffic rules then not only will we drive according to traffic rules, in case there is an accident victim we will also feel emboldened to help victims and take them to the hospital.
5. If we have such non tampered proof at every accident site then the accident cases in courts can be resolved within one month( timebound disposal).
6. This the lawmaker should make compulsory on part of all manufacturers of automobile's and the cost of which can be included in the total selling price.
7. If fitted with such front & rear cameras then the lawmakers can do away with the strict liability principle imposed on big vehicle owners to give compensation to small vehicle owners in case of accident.
8. bike rickshaw auto Drivers indulge in breaking the traffic rules by plying on the wrong side of national highways, roads overspeeding, rapid & frequent lane changing, Over speeding, Over Loading etc. Tractor trolley drivers bus drivers truck drivers drive on the wrong side of the highway to save a few miles or save fuel or save money this kind of selfish thinking has to be overcome.
If these tractor trolleys busses trucks are also fitted with cameras rare and front then they will also mind traffic rules.
9. Most accidents that occur are because the driver or the pedestrian or the animal on road gets confused and traumatized and is unable to think the next step therefore it is important we don't overspeed we don't honk Horns unnecessarily and cause further trauma to the pedestrians and animals.
11. It's also very important for every man And woman to Forget their gender while they are driving on the roads. 1st responsibility on the driver is that of safety of pedestrians and animals on the road. 2nd is to ensure safety of other vehicles on the road. 3rd is to ensure safety of all parts in your sitting inside his or her vehicle. 4th is to ensure his own safety by driving sensibility.
12. Eve teasing, Fashion, Intoxication while driving is the I'll driving is the biggest contributor other than speeding and jumping red light in accident cases. The youth of the country must understand that the enemies of the nation Smuggled drugs across border through the ports so that our nation can cripple because the youth is drowning in intoxication and drug abuse. Intoxicated driving is not cool it's a sign of your unemployment and/or unemployment and depression With life. Be more responsible in life
Don't blame the country when you are yourself so irresponsible.
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